A n o t h e r F r i d a y i n P e r t h

some friends wanted me to write in english so i can at least do it for a  copule of days. but dont really like it , looks silly of some reason. well anyway. just came from my first work, and fuck my  ankel hurts as hell. maybe i should rest from long boardin a few days, but dont rellay want to. yesterdays practicing was so much fun :)!!

i really hate my new guy next to me in the dorm. wooops i shouldnt write this in english, should i? haha hope no one tells. ooh fuck he is here now again, haha... hopefully he cant see this. well he's from iran, 33 years old and speak all the fuckin time, even when i dont have time at all. hope he leaves soon, but probably not.  yesterday i fell asleep to a really funny but bad conversation about rasism (the guy on my right hand side). hahah so many different people u meet here, u gotta like it!

tonight we probably go to harbour town and make som shopping. light yellow or light red converse, thats the question.... lets see. and new sun glasses. and what else? i dont know. save some money would be great:..

now : time for the next job. dont really want to... i dont know what i want to... and its fuckin cold today. thats bad. like 22 degrees now. only 15 when i went to work.. the autumn is coming but im on my way to leave. aint I ?


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