today i've got another job and severals of job offers.. hard to choose........begin with one work tomorrow 6 o'clock... aah. no idea to go to sleep... going out in 5 minutes...guess its a bad idea writing here at the moment. every time im drinkining i just miss people fuckin much :( its baAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.  jag kan inte sluta tanka pa det!! suger inte det???????jooooooooo!  heeeeeeh. well... no idea think about it, its valentines day so i should be happy :)))))))))))

today i've first got the job and then me and stina went to the beach. we saw the aussie friends there again so talked to them for like 2 hours. gonna catch up with them again tomorrow. and now... lets find a nice club! hahaha had dinner in the city park. ate chicken with our hands while watching some people beeing catched by the police... interesting..and bought a present for stina!! im so gonna miss u <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the first time i celebrate valentines day without a boyfriend in 4 years...im feeling old  :OOO but well... guess i will survive :)

have a great day everybody!!!!! saaknaaar er smaa sooota manniskor :)!!!!!!!!!!!


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