
Had forgot that something called autumn existed ..

At the moment I'm lying in the bed , eating diary milk chocolate with the taste of caramel, yummie!! Lying in bed n should get ready for my interview which is gonna be held at 3.40 pm somewhere close to the airport so have to find a bus n be there in time. Hahah what to wear?

The last couple of days I've been sleeping daytime n been heading to local bars in the evening. N well, spent way too much money. Hahah seriously I'm broke as fuck... Whatever, it could be worse? U barley need any money at all to be happy :) heading down to queenstown at sat I think and I'll try to get a job there. Can't wait for be in the mountains :) its not really like Sweden, the mountains here r around 3000 m, nice or what?

Tomorrow I'll go jacket shopping.. With what money?? Hahah.. Well I've still got savings that I haven't Used at all since I started to travel n I actually planned using at least $2000 from the beginning. Let's use that for the winter things :))...


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